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Rugby Club Membership Season 2024/25

Rugby Club Membership Season 2024/25

Steven Pattison15 Aug - 07:20
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Rugby Club Membership and 'Social' Membership Subscription are due for renewal from 1st September 2024.

It's that time of year again ! The rugby season is almost upon us.

Membership subscriptions for the coming season are due from 1st September 2024 and will remain at the same price as last season.
Your membership subscriptions play a vital role in allowing the club to provide excellent social and sporting facilities for all our members and guests.

Senior Rugby Full Player Membership £15 per month by standing order OR £180 single payment
Rugby Club Membership (for 'Voting non-playing members', for Veteran only players, and for 'Occasional' players) £7 per month by standing order OR £80 single payment
Cricket and Rugby Club Social Membership £25 single payment

Could all members (New & Existing) please set up or update their bank standing orders prior to 1st September 2024.

All memberships payable to -

Blyth Rugby Football Club
Sort code 40-12-21
Account number 91408313[/centre]

New Senior Rugby Player members joining the club will initially receive playing kit of club shorts, socks and black polo shirt all embroidered with the rugby club badge.
Last season saw a huge improvement in membership and allowed us to reward our Senior Rugby Player members (those paying full £15 fees) and Rugby club members (those paying £7 fees) with some extra stash. We plan to repeat this reward to our loyal members for the coming season if membership subscriptions remain high.

Further reading